

Highlights of the workshop’s life since its creation in 1986

Renewal of the Living Heritage Company label
Maria joins the workshop as office manager
The workshop moves 20 minutes north of Montpellier, at the foot of the Pic Saint Loup mountain
Frederic, Octave and Lucie become associates in « Chaudière Violins »
Publication of the article “The Armingaud” Del Gesù from 1732 – The Strad Magazine, November
Octave joins the workshop as luthier
Frederic Chaudiere becomes an expert at the Court of Appeal of Montpellier
The workshop celebrates its 30th anniversary
The culinary show « Les Carnets de Julie » broadcasted in our workshop – France 3

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« They make Stradivariuses in Montpellier »
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Obtaining of the Living Heritage Company label
Organization of Montpellier’s luthier festival
Jury’s and public’s prize at the international competition « Violoncelle en Seine »
in Paris for one of Frédéric’s cello.
Lucie joins the workshop to share its management
Organisation of the exhibition « Stradivarius-Montpellier 2008 »
Partners of the event : Fabre Museum in Montpellier, Radio France festival, Actes Sud editions, Royal Academy of London, Chi-Mei Foundation of Taiwan, Dextra Musica in Oslo.

15 Stradivarius are exhibited, the catalog is co-written with Peter Biddulph. 20 instruments from Antonio Stradivari are played on stage for the opening concert of the Radio France festival, with Augustin Dumay as soloist.

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“The Kruse” Antonio Stradivari from 1721 – The Strad Magazine, June
Lucie joins the Montpellier International Music Academy « Académie Internationale de Musique de Montpellier » (A.I.M.M.) as manager and developer
“The Alard” Del Gesù from 1742 – The Strad Magazine, June

Creation of the Montpellier International Music Academy « Académie Internationale de Musique de Montpellier » (A.I.M.M.)
with 4 luthiers from Montpellier: Wolfram Neureither, Nicolas Gilles, Yann Poulain and Baptiste Juguera.

Every summer the AIMM organized violin, viola, cello and chamber music master classes with eminent teachers of the Menuhin School, Juilliard, Curtis, etc.

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The workshop moves to the Hotel Magnol

a private mansion of the famous botanist Pierre Magnol.

Discover the hotel Magnol
Copy of the « Alard » Guarnerius Del Gesù with François Denis and Eric Lourme

Collaborative work on a copy of the “Alard” violin, Guarnerius Del Gesù 1742, at the request of the Paris Music Museum.
Musée de la Musique de Paris Website

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Creation of Trans’Art
with Hubert Nyssen (founder of the Actes Sud editions) and Jacques Prat (super-soloist of the Montpellier National Orchestra). The association organized monthly multidisciplinary artistic events in Montpellier and around
Frederic meets Ruggiero Ricci, for whom he makes two violins.
First prize in the “Maurice Vieux” sound competition in Paris for a new viola
Frederic meets Norbert Brainin, makes for him a violin after Del Gesù, then, at his request, a copy of his famous “Gibson” Stradivarius of 1715
The workshop moves rue de la Merci.
First prize in the “Maurice Vieux” sound competition in Paris for a viola
Frederic Chaudière created his workshop place Ste Anne in the historical center of Montpellier.
Hotel Magnol

“I was 13 when I walked into the Hotel Magnol for the first time. I thought it was some kind of princess castle, a palace, abandoned to his fate.

With time and a lot of love, my family restored this house to its former glory and brought it back to life.

The violin-making workshop occupied the first floor but the large building offered a wide range of possibilities. Concerts, costume parties, dinners, rehearsals, album recording, fashion show, meetings, settings, screenings, exhibitions, guest apartments, press conferences and guided tours are some of the events that we produced in the building .

All these incredible moments transformed the Hotel Magnol and, for two decades, the place became one of Montpellier’s cultural hotspots.


Today, our workshop is under pine trees in the northern part of the town, but we continue our work, enriched by the experiences of the past.”

